Help people to breathe more freely, self-regulate with ease, perform better, manage chronic conditions, feel good in their own skin and HEAL.
Become a certified breathing coach in knowledgeable hands! Join breath coach training in Oslo or Trondheim with retreat modules to dive deeper!
After this, the next in-person training will take place in 2027!
Work comfortably with
Core principles
4 modules + retreats
Definitely the best breathing instructor course I know!
This is a cutting edge training that lifts your professionalism in the field of breath to a whole new level. At the same time, the training takes you through an embodied breath coaching process. Your breath and your relationship to it will most likely transform radically.
Breath Coach Training is more than a journey into the world of breathing. It is a journey into embodiment and the flow within.
Breath Teacher Training starts in Oslo in February 2025
Why Is Guiding breathing with science-based tools and holistic focus so important?
...while not forgetting the art and magic of breathwork, your embodied intuition...
Breath is the main tool to affect the nervous system. Through breath, regulating the nervous system and stress levels becomes available to everyone!
Breath can be used consciously, but getting a grasp of the deeper dimensions of the breath is essential for building an authentic connection to oneself and eventually, healing on all levels.
The world of breathwork is vast. There is a lot of misinformation and myths out there. To base your breathing toolbox on knowledge of science, physiology and somatic psychology while understanding the energetics of the human system, will benefit you and your clients in the long run.
Breathing patterns affect your self-esteem, confidence and efficiency of communication. Breathing is essential in how you express yourself and how you can relate to other people on a more profound level.
A human being is not a machine. Intensive emotions, traumas, past experiences and dissociation from the body are all visible in one’s breathing patterns. When you affect the breath, you affect the whole being. It is important to learn to appreciate the breath from different perspectives, and work with traumatic imprints.
Sleeping problems, anxiety, fear, concentration difficulties, digestive issues, hypertension and low energy (+ other signs of dysregulation) can be efficiently treated with breathing tools.
Through breathing, one can build both physiological and psychological resilience - the ability to surf on life's waves and strengthen. Good resilience equals to good performance capacity (in any area of life).
Dysfunctional breathing habits correlate strongly with various chronic conditions and disorders. There is a strong need for high-quality breath coaching and body-based tools! Health care professionals, coaches, yoga teachers and bodyworkers need to know how to guide breathing.
As dysfunctional breathing habits very often cause excess tension and dysfunctional movement patterns in the body, it is essential to know some basic somatic practices for re-aligning and restoring balance. This is also extremely important in case of trauma and nervous system dysregulation.
Not all opt for meditation as a calming, restoring practice. Still practices will bring up a lot of anxiety and unease among a great part of the population. Skillful use of the breath can be a much more accessible practice for many.
Let your free and functional breath flow!
Whom Is This For?
Training is designed for (but not limited only to)
Whom Is This Not For?
Kurset til Sanni ble for meg en en helt spesiell opplevelse: Det gav inngang til opplevelser, samtaletema og perspektiver jeg ikke har opplevd noe sted tidligere, men som jeg likevel tror vi alle har behov for. Jeg satt pris på bredden av teoretiske perspektiv, sammen med god tid til praksis. Etter kurset har jeg et bredt repertoar av nye måter å kunne tilnærme meg kropp og sinn, pust og bevegelse, lekenhet og dybde! Kurset har vært en glede å få være med på og jeg anbefaler det varmt til alle! Om det er til bruk i eget liv, eller i arbeid med andre.
En utviklende og spennende utdanning som har vært og fortsetter å være utrolig givende både på det personlige og profesjonelle plan! Jeg meldte meg på for min egen del i en krevende livssituasjon og også for å kunne videreføre kunnskap og tiltak til klienter og deltakere som fysioterapeut og yogalærer. Jeg hadde store forhåpninger på forhånd og alle er mer enn innfridd. Dyptgående teori og mye personlig praksis som har gitt en kroppslig opplevelse og forankring om alt det pusten representerer og kan påvirke. Sanni besitter enorm kunnskap om flere kunnskapsfelt som fysiologi, nevrologi, psykologi som presenteres både med sjel, raushet og varme.
- Frøydis hansvik
Theoretical Background
Breathing Unlimited™ Breath Coach Training is multidisciplinary. It means that there is no one single breathing method or tradition the training relies on. In this training, you learn to apply basic principles to a variety of situations and clients. You learn to coach people with everyday challenges as well as those wanting to dig deeper into the body's wisdom. You will also learn to hold space for deeper transformative breathwork sessions.
This map might help you to figure out where Breathing Unlimited™ training stands in relation to the wide breathwork field. The focus is on 3 themes: Breathing for Health & Performance, Breathing for Self-Regulation & Co-Regulation, and Breathing for Transformation.

The Curriculum

1. The Science of Breathing

2. Breath, Nervous System and Emotions


4. THE PRINCIPLES OF BREATH COACHING and work as a facilitator
Note that the content and order of presentations are subject to changes. Each weekend has pre-materials on online platform, where also additional lectures on various topics will be posted.
Choose a retreat! 1 (one) retreat is included in the course price.

Accommodation options:
Shared 2-4 beds room
* Single rooms available if the retreat does not reach full capacity. Express your wish in application form (+1500 NOK added)
If this is your 2nd / 3rd retreat:
+ 6600 NOK
If this is your 2nd or 3rd retreat (you already chose one), the retreat cost will be 6 600 NOK. Note: participation gives you a 25-hour certificate.

Accommodation options:
Double room
Single room (+1500 NOK added)
If this is your 2nd / 3rd retreat:
+ 6600 NOK
If this is your 2nd or 3rd retreat (you already chose one), the retreat cost will be 6 600 NOK. Note: participation gives you a 25-hour certificate.

PRANAYAMA RETREAT 23.-26.10.2025
Accommodation options:
Shared 3 beds room
Double room
Single room (+1500 NOK added)
If this is your 2nd / 3rd retreat:
+ 6600 NOK
If this is your 2nd or 3rd retreat (you already chose one), the retreat cost will be 6 600 NOK. Note: participation gives you a 25-hour certificate.
What Do You Get From The Program?
This course is certified with Yoga Alliance as a Continuing Education Course (CE).
You Do Not Need:
You can start working immediately after the training and get your investment covered in less than 6 months (5 clients is enough for that).
Breathing Unlimited™ Breath Coach Training is the most comprehensive breathing education program in Norway. 2024-2025 is the fourth year this training is being offered, now with a fresh structure enabling the practitioners to continue their journey even deeper.
4 BREATHING PROGRAMS introduced during the training and given for free to be used by the new coaches, are
Breathing for More Calm
For hyperarousal, stress, anxiety, sleeping issues
Breathing for More Energy
For energizing and increasing resources
Breathing for Healing
For hypoarousal, burn out, depression, CE/MFS, illnesses
Breathing for Balance
For high-achievers who want to learn to relax
Programs include breathing practices, somatic movement, concentration exercises and relaxations. They are designed by breathing educator, experienced yoga teacher Sanni Parkkinen.
Important Notice!
Breathing coaches are not trained to treat, diagnose or cure any illness or disease. Under the training, you will receive an understanding about which kind of issues are in the scope of breathing coaching. Under no circumstances should you recommend clients change or discontinue prescribed medication or treatment protocols.
Dates, Price and Terms
Read more about dates, locations and pricing below (CLICK OPEN BELOW).
Online material opens 1.1.2025.
1. MODULE: 21.-23.2.2025 (Friday-Sunday)
2. MODULE: 28.-30.3.2025 (Friday-Sunday)
3. MODULE: 26.-27.4.2025 (Saturday-Sunday)
4. MODULE: 7.-8.6.2025 (Saturday-Sunday)
Fridays kl 15-20 (4,5 hours + 0,5 hours breaks)
Saturdays kl 10-18 (6,5 hours + 1,5 hours breaks)
Sundays kl 10-17 (5,5 hours + 1,5 hours breaks)
Altogether: 57 contact hours + (approximately) 43 hours self-study, additional Zoom sessions and client work before the retreats. Some of the course content will be provided online to be studied independently.
Modules take place at Qigongsenteret, Grønlandsleiret 14, Oslo
In case of illness etc. prohibiting you from participating in person in one module of the training, Zoom access will be provided. Please use this option only if absolutely necessary. 100 % attendance in Zoom is expected.
If you do not live in Oslo and feel it is too much (although highly recommended) to travel to all gatherings, weekend 3 can be taken via Zoom.
27 900 NOK
Course fee includes teaching & materials of 4 weekend gatherings and 1 (optional) retreat that needs to be chosen upon registration. You do not need to participate on a retreat in order to complete the course. Accommodation and meals are covered by the course fee for one retreat. You can choose to participate in more than 1 retreat: thereof the retreat cost will be 6 600 NOK. See more info above under retreats.
Non-refundable and non-transferable deposit of 5 000 NOK is due at registration to reserve your spot in the training. Deposit is included into the course fee, so it is not an extra payment. Rest of the course fee can be paid in 1 or 4 monthly installments. The first installment is due January 2nd, 2025, or if you apply later, together with the deposit. All the invoices will be sent after registration with agreed due dates.
In case of cancellation, payments already made will not be refunded. It is possible to transfer participation to next year (if the transfer notice is given by January 2nd, 2025), but the deposit of 5 000 NOK can not be transferred and needs to be paid again next year.
Online material opens 1.11.2024.
1. MODULE: 6.-8.12.2024 (Friday-Sunday)
2. MODULE: 3.-5.1.2025 (Friday-Sunday)
3. MODULE: 8.-9.2.2025 (Saturday-Sunday)
4. MODULE: 22.-23.3.2025 (Saturday-Sunday)
Fridays kl 15-20 (4,5 hours + 0,5 hours breaks)
Saturdays kl 10-18 (6,5 hours + 1,5 hours breaks)
Sundays kl 10-17 (5,5 hours + 1,5 hours breaks)
Altogether: 57 contact hours + (approximately) 43 hours self-study, additional Zoom sessions and client work before the retreats. Some of the course content will be provided online to be studied independently.
All modules take place at Trondheim Taiji Senter, Kjøpmannsgata 12, Trondheim.
In case of illness etc. prohibiting you from participating in person in one module of the training, Zoom access will be provided. Please use this option only if absolutely necessary. 100 % attendance in Zoom is expected.
If you do not live in Trondheim and feel it is too much (although highly recommended) to travel to all gatherings, weekend 3 can be taken via Zoom.
27 900 NOK
Course fee includes teaching & materials of 4 weekend gatherings and 1 (optional) retreat that needs to be chosen upon registration. You do not need to participate on a retreat in order to complete the course. Accommodation and meals are covered by the course fee for one retreat. You can choose to participate in more than 1 retreat: thereof the retreat cost will be 6 600 NOK. See more info above under retreats.
Non-refundable and non-transferable deposit of 5 000 NOK is due at registration to reserve your spot in the training. Deposit is included into the course fee, so it is not an extra payment. Rest of the course fee can be paid in 1 or 4 monthly installments. The first installment is due October 14th, 2024, or if you apply later, together with the deposit. All the invoices will be sent after registration with agreed due dates.
In case of cancellation, payments already made will not be refunded. It is possible to transfer participation to next year (if the transfer notice is given by October 14th, 2024), but the deposit of 5 000 NOK can not be transferred and needs to be paid again next year.
OBS! Undervisningen foregår på engelsk. Sanni forstår og snakker godt norsk, så du kan alltid bruke norsk på kurset. Hjemmeoppgaven kan også skrives på norsk.

Sanni Parkkinen
BreathING EDUCATOR, e-ryt 500h yoga teacher, yacep, somatic coach
Sanni is the main educator of the breath coach training. She is experienced breath coach, breathwork facilitator, yoga teacher and somatic coach coming from Finland. As her passion, she is coaching people to live happier & healthier with emphasis on physiology first – meaning that nervous system health is the key to solve many of the issues we tend to call mental.
In her coaching work, Sanni focuses on nervous system health, breath and respecting the wisdom of the body. During the last 10 years she has deepened her understanding of the human system by diving into somatic coaching and different mind-body practices. In addition, Sanni is especially interested in neuroscience, mind-body connection and body's natural healing processes. Her big passion is to explore the convergences of latest research and ancient wisdom.
Sanni has trained over 100 breath coaches both in Norway & Finland, and coached hundreds of people to free and functionalize their breathing. She is constantly adjusting her methods to reach the clients where they are at, which has led her to understand the breath from a holistic perspective. There are no one-size-fits-all -solutions. Her approach to breathing is multidisciplinary, drawing inspiration from various modalities: Integrative Breathing Therapy, Breathwork, Buteyko Method, Wim Hof, Yoga, Taoism, Somatic Experiencing, Body-Mind Centering, Feldenkrais and trauma therapy (among others). Sanni is also lecturing in companies and giving speeches to various audiences.
More about her background and education can be read HERE.

Andreas Dønåsen
physiotherapist and lifestyle counselor
- Biomechanics of breathing
- Core functionality
- Postural integrity
Andreas is a physiotherapist and lifestyle counselor working with fatique, burn-outs, chronic pain, digestive issues and stress-related problems. The foundation of his practice is built on active conversations, thorough testing and personalized lifestyle advise. He holds workshops and public talks on a regular basis: exploring the topics of nutrition, gut health, stress, sports recovery, food perservation (fermentation) and breathing. He has run a private clinic since 2014.
During the course Andreas will invite you into a conversation about the biomechanics of breathing, explore core functionality and guide you through some exercises for postural integrity.

Ina Kvam Leraand
Implementing and creating a safe environment that facilitates client's learning is essential in the process of becoming a coach in the field of health .
Ina Kvam Leraand is a neurological physiotherapist, yoga teacher and functional medicine practitioner.
Ina works full-time in Funkmedlivet (IG: @funkmedlivet) where she teaches online courses on topics around nervous system healing, stress management, food as medicine and embodiment.
Ina's presentation focuses on how to take the client through a coaching process. How to ask the right questions, set intentions and make frames to achieve those intentions. How to facilitate a therapeutic process where the client finds motivation and can see clearly what the goal and wished outcome means in their lives.
Dette kurset ga meg mye mer enn jeg forventet. Jeg kom inn for å lære om åndepusten og teknikker for å forbedre livet mitt, og jeg går ut med en dyp forståelse, selv kjærlighet og visdom.
Sanni er en fantastisk lærer og holder space med ro og trygghet. Jeg har kost meg veldig og dynamikken i gruppen har vært så fin og morsom. Kurset ble personlig veldig selv-healende. Det er mye teori, men med pausene og øvelser imellom gikk det bra. Det var også veldig gøy å bli undervist av andre lærere.
Jeg synes kurset baserer seg veldig bra med variasjon mellom teorier, øvelser og pusteøvelser hvor vi avsluttet dagen i sirkel. Magisk opplevelse, men også noe som får deg ut av skallen din. Her får man muligheten til å bli komfortabel med det ukomfortable. Jeg anbefaler dette kurset til alle som er nysgjerrig og føler et kall på å lære om pusten. Denne informasjonen varer livet ut! Takk til Sanni for den gode energien og viktige lærdommen. Føler meg heldig som har vært en del av denne gruppen. <3
I'm super grateful for this course! I'm a performing dance artist that has struggled with long-term fatigue. I joined the course to get a deeper knowledge about breath and health in hopes of understanding myself better. The combination of theory and practice has been really helpful in connecting all the threads of information, to understand the functions of breathing in both an embodied and intellectual way.
Throughout the course I gained more and more consciousness around my own breathing. I learned that I have a habit of chronic hyperventilation and unconscious breath holds, and inhibited movement in my diaphragm. By implementing things I learned in the course in to my daily life, I can now finally find rest and calmness in my breathing. I feel more grounded in myself and have more tools to regulate my nervous system. This is really important knowledge and I feel inspired to bring it forward to more people.
Sanni is a great teacher with lots of knowledge and heart. During the course we got introduced to different traditions and methods of breathwork, and always with focus on functionality. I really liked Sanni's focus on science without losing the spiritual aspect of breathing. We also had a few guest teachers that talked from their expertise which gave an even wider view of the field of breathing. I really recommend the breath coach training and I think it's relevant for everyone that are interested.
- VESLEMøy miranda frengstad
The last couple of years I had been getting increasingly interested in the breath and trying various breathing methods that I found online, like Wim Hof. However, the choice of breathing methods out there is overwhelming and I wanted to get a better understanding of the breathwork world. I was delighted to find Mindgrit’s Breath Coach Training in Trondheim in English!
The training is multidisciplinary and covers everything to do with the breath, theory and practice. Sanni is an excellent and super knowledgeable teacher who knows how to create a safe and comfortable learning environment. I have thoroughly enjoyed the weekends and learned so much. The training also has an online environment with slides and videos of all the lectures and practices we did in the weekends.
I have integrated breathing practices into my life and feel stronger and more balanced. I’m excited to start coaching others to explore the power of the breath. I highly recommend Sanni’s Breath Coach Training to anyone seriously interested in learning about the breath.
Jeg har interessert meg i pust i noen år og var på jakt etter et kurs i mer overordnet art som omfatter flere pusteteknikker. Sannis kurs oppfylte det. Det er et omfattende innholdsrikt kurs på et høyt faglig nivå. Det favner det meste innen pust og holder en svært høy standard. Jeg vil anbefale kurset til alle som vil lære om pust. Kurset består av en fin kombinasjon av teori og praksis. Sanni er svært pedagogisk og presenterer materialet på en god måte. Sanni bruker også eksterne fagpersoner som utfyller henne på en svært god måte.
Jeg meldte meg på dette kurset først og fremst som et tiltak for min egen helse, i håp om å lære mer om pusten og hvilken påvirkning den kan ha med tanke på stress, smerter og slitenhet. Jeg jobber selv med mennesker med komplekse og sammensatte utfordringer, og skjønte raskt at alt jeg lærte også kunne være relevant og veldig nyttig for mange av mine egne pasienter.
Sanni besitter enormt mye forskningsbasert kunnskap om hjernen og kroppen, men viktigst av alt: hun viser svært god helhetlig forståelse for interaksjonen mellom ulike prosesser i hjernen, kroppen og omgivelsene, og den gjensidige påvirkningen mellom disse. Hun er engasjert og en veldig god formidler, med mye humor og varme, samtidig som måten hun presenterer informasjonen på gjør det både interessant og lett å forstå. Det har hele veien vært god balanse mellom praktiske øvelser og teori, som har bidratt til at timene har gått fort! Det har også vært med flere dyktige gjesteforelesere, som har tilført kurset enda mer bredde og dybde.
En får tilgang til utrolig mange gode verktøy på nettet, med bl.a. videoer med øvelser og forelesninger, i tillegg til mye annen nyttig kunnskap. Anbefaler dette kurset for alle i grunn, men kanskje særlig om en ønsker økt forståelse, kunnskap og hjelp for seg selv, og/eller for å hjelpe andre. For min egen del har det vært verdt alle pengene, da helsa er mye bedre og mine ønsker med kurset er oppnådd.
Mitt forhold til pusten er før og etter Breath Coach utdanningen.
Jeg meldte meg på kurset av flere grunner, blant annet fordi: En fasinasjon over hvordan kropp og sinn fungerer og hvordan vi selv kan påvirke dette med bevisst bruk av vår egen pusten. Derfor søkte jeg etter mer innsikt i hvordan pusten virker inn og verktøy for å optimalisere pusten i gitte situasjoner. Tanken var at dette kunne jeg dra nytte av selv og bruke denne kunnskap i jobbsammenheng. Jeg er sosionom som jobber med psykososial oppfølging i livskriser og tap.
Allerede tidlig i kursforløpet ble jeg klar over at dette kurset gikk i dybden - her var det masse spennende å sette seg inn! Samtidig ble jeg oppmerksom på at en god del forståelse og teknikker faktisk rent intuitivt ligger latent i meg. Mye har gått i dvale på grunn av stress i hverdagen og i jobbsammenheng. Kurset ble en oppvåkning! Ble bevisst på egen pust ikke var i balanse eller helt funksjonell. Det opplevdes som nesten magisk når ting "klikket på plass". Samtidig ble det også så tydelig at pusten må pleies og brukes med kjærlighet og omtanke.
Kursets kvalitet, både oppbygning, innhold og formidling, var over all forventning. Fin balanse mellom teori og praktiske øvelser. Sanni er en dyktig formidler, god pedagog og ydmyk i møte med spørsmål. Rett og slett imponerende.
Jeg vil på det varmeste anbefale kurset kurset til deg som er nysgjerrig på å lære mer om pusten. Du vil trolig få en utrolig reise på flere plan og nyttige verktøy for egen del og eventuelt i jobbsammenheng. Jeg er sikker på at du ikke vil angre dersom du melder deg på kuret!
- Tone kirksæther skogmo
Jeg meldte meg på dette kurs med utgangspunkt i at det skulle være en gave til meg selv, etter langvarig sykdom.
En gave blev det! Kurset er absolut det beste jeg har gjort for meg selv hidtil i mit rehabiliteringsforløb.
Ro, glede, frihed og tillid er vanskelig å opnå med et ubalanceret nervesystem!
Jeg var veldig i tvil om jeg ku klare dette kurs, om jeg hadde energi, kapacitet osv. Heldigvis var der fin balance mellem teori og praksis, hvilket gjorde at det lykkes for meg å være med. Og det ble en kjempe mestring.
Den teoretiske del har vært utrolig interessant og en øjenåbner for hvor viktig pusten er for vår helse.
Sanni er en meget dedikeret underviser, med enorm kunnskap og engagement! Hun får skapt et trygt miljø, hvor er der plass til å være seg selv, bare være, og samtidig pushe litt grenser også. Det har vært utrolig artig, givende og inspirerende å være i en gruppe med ulike mennesker, som har en felles interessen, nemlig pusten.
Jeg fik det jeg kom etter. Og så mye mer! Å jobbe i dybden med pusten har åpnet masse nye døre. Det har økt min forbindelse til kroppen. Min tillid og intuition har vokst og vokser stadig, og det er en helt nydelig gave å gi seg selv. Jeg har fået kendskab til mit pustemønster, og det hjælpe meg masse hver dag, til at forstå meg selv, mine behov og hvor jeg skal legge min energi.
Dette har vært og er fortsatt en spændende rejse. Min kropp heler fortsatt, og pusten er blevet min støtte og veiveiser i denne process. Jeg er taknemmelig for at jeg tok chancen og meldt meg på!
Takk for denne mulighet, Sanni
- Hellene Thordahl Sklett
I joined this course because I was very curious to gain more knowledge about the breath, and how it could be used for different purposes. Before I joined the course, I had already experienced how I could use the breath to turn off chronic stress, and also how I could use it to handle acute stress, like staying for an extended time in ice water.
But I wanted to know more. And I really got what I was looking for. Sanni is an incredibly knowledgeable teacher. Are you wondering about anything regarding the complex universe of the breath? You can be certain she has the answer! She has helped me gain a lot more awareness about my own breath. I have more energy because I now sleep better. I have an incredible amount of tools available, to take care of all kinds of challenges. And I am now able to safely guide others to heal their breath, and heal with their breath.
The universe of breath is extremely diverse and complex, which is also reflected in the course curriculum. Sanni also invited great guest teachers, who added even more value to the training. Sanni really cares about her students. She wants you to succeed, and she has been extremely helpful both between and during classes. I can warmly recommend her breath coach education!
More feedback from breath coaches can be read HERE!
Frequently asked questions
Breath Coach Training will be taught in English. All lecturers speak good Norwegian, and it is completely possible to ask all questions and go through all discussions in Norwegian. Equally - it is also fine to talk English. Also the home exam can be written in either languages (or in Swedish). You do not find a training with this scope in Norwegian - or in English for that matter - so this might be worth considering when considering participation.
Breathing Unlimited™ started to grow from Sanni's popular online breathing course in Finland. The method is drawing inspiration from various modalities: Integrative Breathing Therapy, Breathwork, Buteyko Method, Wim Hof, Yoga, Taoism, Somatic Experiencing, Body-Mind Centering, Feldenkrais and trauma therapy (among others). Sanni is expert in many individual breathing methods / approaches, but chooses to combine them under one and the same roof, into a holistic multidisciplinary training.
In this training, you will receive a wide variety of different breathing techniques and methods to be practiced on your own and to be shared with clients. The goal is that the future coaches understand
- why a certain technique / method is used
- when to use it
- what kind of approach suits what kind of people
You will learn to apply the source principles of breath & nervous system knowledge to a wide variety of situations and clients. You will also learn a bunch of somatic tools to be used alongside the breathing tools. You will be taught and given 4 different ready-made breathing programs to be used with clients (or in your own practice). Programs are: Breathing for More Calm, Breathing for More Energy, Breathing for Healing and Breathing for Balance.
In addition, this training introduces you to somatic psychology, breathing's role in development, emotions and interaction, and the energetics of the human system.
After passing the home case-study exam (done after weekend 4) you will receive a Breathing Unlimited™ Breath Coach certification by Mindgrit. If you are a yoga teacher, registered with Yoga Alliance, you can apply for 100 CEUs (100 hours of teaching content).
After being certified, you can choose to call yourself, for example, as pusteveileder, pustecoach, breath coach, breathing coach, breath guide, breathwork facilitator or breathwork professional.
Non-refundable and non-transferable deposit of 5000 NOK is due at registration to reserve your space in the training. Deposit is included into the course fee, so it's not an extra payment. Rest of the course fee can be paid in 1 or 4 installments. Check the due dates in course info!
We believe that providing educational programs that are inclusice and financially accessible to nearly everyone, if they really want it, is the best way to help spreading this wonderful knowledge & application to the grassroots level. To public health care, schools, kindergarten, workplaces and government offices. And to your beautiful clients who get to benefit through you!
The training requires some time and effort including in-person presence in weekend gatherings and retreats also exactly due to these reasons: you cannot buy this certification, knowledge and embodiment. You need to experience it, in order to spread it around you as authentically as possible.
After every year we receive feedback that the price is too low, and the price-quality relationship is exceptional. We agree and still decide to keep the investment modest. You can easily earn your investment back in less than 6 months (5 clients is enough for it).
Weekends 1, 2 & 4 are mandatory to participate in Trondheim or Oslo. During those weekends, you will learn manual techniques, go deeper into your own process and do some pair/group work.
On weekend 3 it is possible to join via Zoom connection (100 % attendance expected). The sessions will also be recorded so it is possible to return to them as many times as you like.
Read this far? If you have any questions or hesitations, send message to sanni(a) or schedule a clarification call HERE!
Please use the application form to apply for the training.