For Individuals

Balance Your Nervous System

 Understanding the balance of stress and recovery is the key for making better lifestyle choices. Being able to regulate the nervous system flexibly creates more space in life to pursue your goals.

Build Resilience

Resilience describes your resources to face life's challenges and to grow stronger as a result. Building resilience in the nervous system involves looking at your life as a whole: habits, beliefs, activities, relationships, etc. 

Trust The Process 

Well-being comes first, everything else follows. We provide you with science-backed confidence to help you reach your health and performance potential. Healing the nervous system is a process.

Our Services

We are coaching people to live happier & healthier with emphasis on physiology first – meaning that nervous system health is the key to solve many of the issues we tend to call mental.

Our solutions for helping you to tap to your truest potential are presented below. Click for more information. If you have a question regarding our services, send a message!


Interested in helping people breathe more freely, perform better, self-regulate with ease and HEAL?

  • Become a certified breath coach
  • Training takes place in Trondheim & Oslo over 4 weekends, with additional retreat modules
  • For coaches, yoga teachers, health care professionals and much more

Breath & somatic coaching focusing on healing the breath, healing with the breath, balancing the nervous system and freeing up your true potential.

  • Packages of 3-5 meetings
  • 60-90 minute sessions
  • Somatic and breathing practices included

Weekly classes in Trondheim. Also for groups, seniors and other events.

  • Classes, workshops and retreats
  • Skogsyoga and skogsbad in nature

Why Is Healing Your Nervous System So Important?

  • Stress is the cause for approximately 95 % of diseases. On the other hand, we need stress to grow stronger. Learning to regulate stress levels and the nervous system is the key for a balanced life. 
  • Symptoms of nervous system dysregulation are: mood swings, digestive issues, headaches, migraines, sleep issues, concentration problems, chronic pain, exhaustion, fibromyalgia, anxiety, rigidity of thoughts and behavior, and lack of compassion, to mention a few. Our nervous systems are all the time evaluating the surroundings and situations. Change the evaluation, change your life.
  • Healing the society starts with healing yourself. Inequality, racism, nature loss, hurry and constant competition for money and resources are slowly deteriorating the health of the whole society. Start with yourself today.

Now, only two weeks after getting the results, I feel better already.


PhD, Lecturer in Psychology,
University of Helsinki

We went through the results with my coach Sanni, and I got very good tips on where to go forward. As my fitness level was low for my age – not surprising after a couch-potato autumn - I started doing daily walks. I also tried some sleep-improvement methods Sanni suggested, and yoga practice is also reinstalled in my week schedule. Now, only two weeks after getting the results, I feel better already. This assessment was an excellent motivator to change some routines for the better, and I am hoping that the changes show in the re-assessment I promised myself as a 40th birthday present. Overall, I can warmly recommend Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment to anyone interested in their health and wellbeing.

Ask more information about our services or book a FREE consultation call.

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